Friday, July 15, 2016


Pat Brice was an amazing, gifted and popular Chicago comic who passed away shortly before his 30th birthday.  He is widely remembered as one of the best, if not the best, Chicago comic from his time.

This is a blog where Pat's comedy can be shared and remembered.  You can find the following here:

writings: Pat was a member of Blerds, a popular Chicago comedy blog.  He regularly contributed current topic and stream-of-conscious writings to Blerds and they are all re-printed here.

audio clips: Pat co-hosted The Visitors Locker Room with CJ Sullivan, Sean Flannery and more.  The Visitors Locker Room was a daily parody of sports media.  Some of Pat's highlights are hosted here and we are in the process of getting the archives of each episode (that survived our drinking) online as well.

video clips: Pat was a gifted standup comedian and there are several clips of him performing live.

Please enjoy this site the same way Pat would- by laughing loudly, then screaming that some insignificant part of the website isn't working correctly.


Pat was celebrated with great love by the following comedy websites, who all re-did their front pages during the days after Pat’s death to honor his memory with videos of Pat:
  • and more
The following websites, newspapers and blogs all have articles, discussions and celebrations of Pat. Pat’s family is tremendously proud of his influence on the comedic communities and thanks each of these sites for their kind words.

Chicago Tribune guest book for Pat at
Chicago Tribune Obituary
Tribute thread at the Bastion, a Chicago comedy blog.
Tribute discussion at Chichahahago, a message board for Chicago comics.
Chicago Sun Times Obituary
Tribute thread at A Special Thing, a LA comedy blog.
Tribute Post from Whip It Out Comedy.
Memories of Pat from Time Out Chicago.
Lumino Magazine article remembering Pat